Windows 95/98 & Driver Installation Procedures for FM8700XL
Please click here for instruction on setting up Windows 98.
Please click here for instruction on setting up Windows 95.
Please click here for instruction on modifying the Windows 95/98 Setup Boot disk for use on FutureMate™.

[Audio] [Video] [VideoCapture]
Along with the system you may have received either a driver CD or Diskette. Use appropriate media when indicated.

Suspend to Disk Partition (Windows 95/98)
1. Copy the file d:\s2d\0vmakfil.exe to a bootable disk, where d: is the CD-ROM drive.
2. Boot up from the bootable DOS disk.
3. From a:\, type 0vmakfil -pXX, where XX is at least the amount of system memory installed plus 4 MB for
    video RAM. Recommended parameter : p136.
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Core Logic Driver for Intel Chipset (Windows 95 only)
Windows 95B
You must install the Core Logic Driver before installing any other drivers.
Click on Start/Setting/Control Panel/System/Device Manager, you may see the System Properties dialog box.
Remove both PCI Bridges and remove PCI Universal Serial Bus.
After restarted, click on Start\Run, in the dialog box, type D:\TXPATCH\SETUP.EXE then click on OK to install drivers for Intel Tx chipset. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish this installation. Remove the diskette in drive A and restart your computer again when prompted.

Windows 95C

Make sure you have already installed USB Drivers.
From Windows, click on Start/Settings/Control Panel/System/Device Manager, and remove all items marked with red X or yellow exclamation marks.
Insert the Utility CD-ROM, and click on Start/Run. In the dialog box, type D:\txpatch\setup.
Follow the dialog boxes to complete setup, and restart the computer when prompted.
Follow instructions for installing PCMCIA Drivers.
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AUDIO (Windows98/95)
Windows 95 B
1. Insert the Utility CD.
2. Go to Control Panel / System / Device Manager.
3. Remove all devices marked with exclamation marks or red X's.
4. Remove all devices under Sound, Video, Game Controllers, except for Gameport Joystick.
5. Click on Refresh.
6. Windows will find new hardware, and as you for drivers for Unknown Device.
7. Allow New Hardware wizard to search for the driver.
8. Click on Other Location, and enter D:\audio\ess1879\win95 as the location of the files.
9. Windows will detect 2 devices as ESS 1879 Plug and Play Audiodrive and ESS 1879 Control Interface.

Windows 95 C
1. Make sure you have installed Core Logic Driver, USB Driver, and PCMCIA Driver.
2. Follow the same instruction above for installing Audio Driver for
    Windows 95B.

Windows NT 4.0
1. Start Control Panel / Multimedia / Devices / Audio Devices
2. Click Add, and highlight Unlisted or updated Driver, and click OK.
3. Use Browse to find the directory \Audio\ESS1879\NT40 on the CD, and click OK.
4. Click OK to confirm driver installation.
5. Click OK twice to accept the default hardware configuration settings.
6. Click Restart Now to reboot the system.
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Windows 95 / 98
1. Go to Control Panel / Display / Settings / Advanced Properties
2. In the Adapter window, select Change / Have Disk, and browse to D:\Video\win95
3. Select S3 Inc. Virge/MX (Engineering Release)
4. Select the Monitor tab, click on Change, and Select Standard Monitor types/Laptop Display Panel
    1024 x 768.
5. Click on Close to return to Settings, and move the desktop area slider to the right to 1024 by 768.
6. Then select Close. Answer Yes to restart Windows 95.

Windows NT 4.0
1. Insert the Utility CD.
2. Go to Control Panel / Display / Settings / Display Type / Change / Have Disk.
3. Browse to D:\Video\NT40 and select S3 Incorporated Display Driver v.3.27.08.
4. Answer Yes to proceed, then Yes/Close/Close. Then answer Yes to restart Windows.
5. After Windows has restarted, answer OK to confirm that a new driver has been installed, and set the desktop
    area to 1024x768 to fill the screen.
6. You can either select Test to test the new resolution, or just select Apply and OK to use the new settings.
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Windows 95B
2. Click on OK and follow the on-screen instructions to complete this installation.
3. Restart your computer when prompted.
4. After Windows has restarted, you will see PCMCIA Wizard.
5. Answer No to the two questions, then select Finish to reboot the system.

Windows 95C
1. Make certain that you have already installed Core Logic Driver and USB Drivers
2. From the Start Menu, go to Settings/Control Panel/System/Device Manager.
3. Remove all items with yellow exclamation mark or red X marks, as well as all items under Unknown Devices.
4. Insert the Utility CD.
5. Run D:\PCMCIA\Win95\Setup.exe.
6. Click on OK and follow on-screen instructions.
7. Restart your computer when prompted.
8. After Windows has restarted, PCMCIA Wizard will start.
9. Answer No to the two questions, then select Finish to reboot the system.
10. Follow instructions for installing Audio Drivers.

Windows NT 4.0
Please note that there are no PCMCIA controller drivers for Windows NT 4.0, and no such driver should be installed.
1. Insert the modem or network card(s) before boot up.

To install Network:
2. Go to Control Panel, and click on Network. Then answer yes to start installing Networking.
3. Follow on-screen instructions. When it asks for Network Adapter, select Start Search. If it doesn't find the
    network card, go to Select from List, and click on Have Disk.
4. After confirming Protocol and Clients, restart Windows NT.

5. To install Modem:
6. Go Control Panel, and click on Ports. If there is not a COM3, add it manually. Make certain that you are
    using COM 3IRQ 5. Reboot the system if the port is added.
7. In Control Panel, select Modem, and select Add. The Install New Modem screen will appear.
8. Select Next to allow Windows to search for new modem. It should first search for a Modem on COM 3, and
    finds and queries the modem you inserted.
9. Windows will normally find the modem as a Standard Modem. You can then select Change to select from a
    list of modems, or to insert a Modem driver disk click on Have Disk.
10. After files are copied, click on Finish, then you can start using the  modem.
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Universal Serial Bus
Windows 95B

1. Place your Windows 95 OSR2.1 CD into CD drive. Click on Start, and point to Run. In the dialog box, type
    D:\OTHER\USB\USBSUPP.EXE, Click OK to Install USB drivers for Intel 82371AB PCI to USB host
    controller. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete this installation.
2. When asked for the location of uhcd.sys, enter C:\Windows\System.
3. If you are using Windows 95 OSR2.0, please contact your local Microsoft dealer to obtain drivers for
    Intel 82371AB PCI to USB host controller.) After the USB drivers have been correctly installed; restart
    your notebook computer when prompted.

Windows 95C

1. Insert the Windows 95 CD-ROM.
2. Go to Control Panel/Device Manager. Remove all items with yellow exclamation mark or red X marks, as well
    as all items under Unknown Devices.
3. From the D:\Others\Support\USB directory on the Windows 95 CD, run USBSUPP.EXE.
4. Windows will run Scandisk and copy the necessary files. Then press OK to restart the computer.
5. Windows will find new devices. If it asks for UHCD.SYS, enter C:\windows\system as the location of the file.
6. Go to Control Panel/Device Manager. Remove all items with yellow exclamation mark or red X marks.
7. From the D:\Others\Support\USB directory on the Windows 95 CD, run USBUPD2.EXE.
8. Windows will NOT ask you to restart. At this time, insert the Utility CD.
9. Follow instructions for installing the Core Logic Driver.
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Video Capture Drivers
Windows 95(B/C)

Run D:\chipstv\setup. Follow On Screen Instructions.
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